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Frasier Fir
Is a Frasier fir a good tree?
The Fraser fir is considered by many to be the perfect holiday tree. … Frasier fir trees also have a bit of space between their layers of firm, hearty branches, which is helpful for allowing all your favorite ornaments to stand proud and catch the eye.
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A bold, pyramidal form with sparkling silvery blue foliage that drapes from the expansive branches. One of the most popular evergreen conifers. A spectacular specimen for large landscape areas that increases in character as it ages. Drought tolerant, when established. Full Sun Conifer; prized for foliage. Slow growing; reaches 40 to 60 ft. tall, 30…
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Christmas tree shape that rarely exceeds 13 feet. This spruce variety is related to trees that grow 100 feet or taller. It is a popular choice for foundation plantings as a large shrub or small specimen tree all over America. This dwarf version grows very slowly—about 2 to 4 inches per year. The aromatic green needles are…