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Peace Lily Platinum Mist

The foliage of Peace Lily ‘Platinum Mist’ has a silvery, almost luminous sheen that makes it an intriguing new addition to the growing family of Spathiphyllum cultivars. The pointy leaves nicely complement the pure white, spear-shaped spathes, each of which serves as a backdrop for a single spike of small, creamy white flowers. This dependable, carefree houseplant grows beautifully in bright indirect light

Peace Lily ‘Platinum Mist’ in a 6in Plastic Pot. Peace Lily are great, easy care houseplants, this variety can tolerate moderate light.

Light: Moderate
Medium light is okay. Will make more flowers for you in bright, but indirect light.

Water: Frequent
Likes to stay lightly moist, but not too soggy – can dry out slightly

Soil: Balanced potting soil
Needs a balanced mix that is moisture retentive but also well draining. Not very picky – most indoor blends will suffice.

Toxicity Level: Toxic to animals if plant or pollen is ingested.

Additional Information: This plant is a great communicator, it will tell you if they are thirsty by drooping dramatically, but when watered soon after, they bounce right back.