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Rosemary Topiary
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Grown for their attractive foliage, dracaenas are popular plants that need very little care. There are over 100 species of dracaena trees and succulent shrubs, although many are used as houseplants because they’re easy to grow and tolerate low light. Hardy in USDA Zones 10 and 11, these tropicals, which are in the Dracaena genus and the…
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Amaryllis may be purchased as bare or planted bulbs, and are prized for their exotic trumpet-shaped flowers born on 1- to 2-foot leafless stalks or scapes. They add dramatic color to homes and gardens and make wonderful gifts to gardeners from beginners to experts. Native to Africa, the genus Amaryllis comes from the Greek word amarysso, which…
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Known for its lance-shaped leaves with jagged edges, aloe vera is a popular houseplant for many reasons: It’s one of the best air-purifying plants (great for the bedroom, bathroom or kitchen) and has an array of dermatologist-approved benefits like helping to reduce acne and wrinkles, healing wounds or easing irritation from sunburns. Plus, even if you’re far from a green thumb, caring for…
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Sanseveria was named after the person who invented colored fireworks. The Sanseveria is one of the best plants to clean indoor air. According to Nasa, it’s a top-notch air purifier by removing toxins such as toluene, nitrogen oxides, xylene and formaldehyde from the air. Especially people with allergies benefit from this. Putting about 9 Sanseverias…